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Helpful Diabetes and Nutrition Tips

A diabetes diagnosis can be a very heavy burden. Suddenly, you have to track your diet closer than ever, totally rethink your previous lifestyle, and check your blood sugar several times a day. A person with diabetes should be aware of what he/she eats, how much, and when. This will help to accurately and responsibly control blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Not paying proper attention to this dangerously increases the chances of developing diabetes complications. People with diabetes are at increased risk for retinopathy, cataracts and glaucoma, any of which can lead to blindness if not detected promptly and treated carefully.

A person who suffers from being overweight should work hard to lose any excess weight. This is very important for preventing high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and other complications from diabetes. Health care experts point to data that shows losing as little as 5% of your total body weight may help lower your blood sugar and blood pressure significantly, even if you are unable to obtain your ideal weight.

Nutritional needs with diabetes are similar to those of most of the population. The only significant difference is a need for closely monitored timing of meals and a need to be cautious about the type of meals, specifically when eating high-carb foods such as grains or cereals. There are different kinds of carbs out there, and each kind of carb will be absorbed into the body at different rates. This influences how quickly carbs affect your blood sugar. A “simple” carb is made up of a single molecule and is easily absorbed into the body. Simple carbs are converted to sugar and absorbed very quickly into the body, posing health risks, since it may spike your blood sugar all at once. “Complex” carbs such as whole grain breads and pastas are made of multiple molecules and are much harder for the body to break down, absorbing much more slowly, and staying in the body longer. The more complex the carbs, the longer the period of time over which it will influence your blood sugar.

Eating with your diabetes in mind also means timing your meals and carefully measuring meal size. The human body is very efficient at regulating blood sugar and weight if it is put on a regular, consistent meal schedule. Being consistent about starting every day with a healthy breakfast allows you to begin with a healthy boost of energy, with a good foundation for healthy blood sugar all day long. The 3 traditional meals can also be split up into 5 to 6 smaller meals throughout the day. This can help you control portions, and provide consistent sources of healthy food for controlled blood sugar levels all day long.

Diabetes can be difficult, and maintaining your long term health is not always easy. For more tips and information, you should consult your health care professional today.